Joy In Today
Rhonda Kane
December 27, 2024

It’s not unusual to feel a little sad, letdown, and even depressed when Christmas is over. What remains of the planning and anticipation of gifts and family gatherings is a lone tree standing in the corner needing to be returned to its box. Decorations throughout the house need to be packed away while boxes and wrapping paper need to be taken to the curb. All of the hype and hurry is now nothing but a memory.
It’s too easy to base your joy on the next “event.”
Many times I have to remind myself that there is joy right in front of me. It is called today.
My dad has always had a tradition of handing out money to older grandchildren and adults on Christmas Eve. When he handed out his gifts this year, one of the family members had not arrived yet. After arriving later, my dad inadvertently forgot to give them their money. Since I was returning the next day I received a call and was asked if I could please pick up their envelope, but there were conditions attached.

“Don’t return it to me,” they said. “I know through your work at the Free Store, you know a family that could use it. If it’s no trouble, will you please make sure they get it? I have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and everything I need. I’d like to share it with someone who could use it more than me.”
Just when I thought the joy of the celebration of Christ was over, more was poured into my lap.
“I’ve created more work for you,” My family member apologized.
No, You’ve made my heart happy and blessed a family with some grocery money they needed with the kids home for Christmas vacation.
Don’t let Christmas end just because you put the tree back in the closet. Continue the spirit of love and giving and you’ll most likely find the joy you thought you packed away.