
May It Be To Me As You Have Said

Rhonda Kane


December 15, 2024



Spread the love

Ten years? That’s probably accurate for the origin of this weathered statement. One year before Christmas, our pastor handed the congregation these business cards. 

Every year, I revisit this thought and say it with the inflection implied.

As I go through the Advent Study with my women’s Bible Study group, I return to Luke 1:38

What a year it’s been! Here we are, once again, getting ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I reflect on the illnesses, the car wrecks, the hospitalizations, the concerns, the losses, and the victories from this past year.  

Now, it appears to have gone quickly.  

In the midst of it all, it was anything but fast-moving.  There were moments when time stood still. 

Was there any part of me that reacted as Mary did when Gabriel told her she would be pregnant by the Holy Spirit? 

She was young.  Betrothed. Her family and her village had expectations for her.  God had other plans.  When she learned of those plans, she did the one thing that was expected of her and the only thing she could. 

She surrendered. 

Have I done the same?  

When adversity, calamity, hardship, and uncertainty have come my way, how did I respond?  

Did I surrender?  

Did I answer, “May it be as you have said?”


But before I reached the point of doing what was expected and doing the only thing I could, I fretted, worried, prayed, pleaded, and bargained. 

And then…I surrendered.

Does that make me unfaithful?

Or does that make me faithful?

Mary and I both ended up at the same place–eventually.  

At surrender.

But sometimes, it takes longer.  

One of God’s greatest characteristics? He doesn’t answer to the same timeline as we do.

In fact, He doesn’t answer to any timeline at all. 

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Psalm 145:8 

His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.

For that, I am eternally grateful.  

As we reach this time of year, may we reflect on these thoughts…

I am the Lord’s servant.

I AM the Lord’s servant.

I am the LORD’s servant.

I am the Lord’s SERVANT

That is surrender.  

No matter how long it takes.  

Rhonda Kane

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