
This is my first blog entry, and I’m so excited to share it.



November 26, 2024



Spread the love

I was encouraged to write about the Open House/Book signing event I attended at The Mustard Seed on November 9th in Parsons, Ks.

Unusual to my nature and character, I sat down to write and found myself at a loss for words. To truly share how incredible that experience was, I would have to back up and be transparent.

Writing a book is not the hard part for me. The Holy Spirit leads the way, and I do my best to follow. Things get harder when I set out to edit my work and as I struggle to make sure grammar is correct and understandable. The hard part is letting go of the book, allowing the public to read it, and bracing myself for what might follow. Will there be criticism, disappointment, or well-meaning suggestions on what I should have written?

My pride rears its ugly head, and I fret about the possible outcomes. That fear made its way into the days preceding the book signing. I pondered my reaction to whether no one attended or bought any books.

I didn’t write the book to make money or gather a fan following. I wrote it to share the love of Jesus and how He has impacted my life, even in moments I wouldn’t have dreamt. I knew I had to step off the sideline and trust. If He had indeed led, if I had truly listened, then the outcome would have been in His hands, and that’s all that mattered.

The day was immeasurably more than I could’ve asked or imagined. That’s how He works. (Ephesians 3:20)

Friends came. Acquaintances came. Relatives of friends came. Church members, people who had read my first book, and more. Two friends even drove up from Broken Arrow, Ok. It went so well that it found me inadequately prepared. I had to have my husband deliver more books to the store!

I am so grateful for God giving me the courage to share my experiences, The Mustard Seed allowing me the opportunity, and all my friends who came out for the event. It was just another example of God showing up in His goodness while I stood on the sidelines and watched Him work.



  • Sounds like an encouraging and exciting beginning with book #2. Congrats, friend.

  • Steve Smith

    It always makes me glad when I see a fellow believer using their talents and abilities to serve God. I think this is what He expects from us. Thank you…

  • Dear Friend in Christ,
    The Lord has abundantly blessed you with words of wisdom and love for Him that comes from deep within your heart. Thank you so much for shining your light so we can see Jesus through you.💖
    Will be looking forward to your next blog!
    In Christian love,

    • A
      Rhonda Kane

      I am thankful for such a long friendship with you. Thanks for your words of encouragement!

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